Johnny Depp’s 21 JUMP STREET Role Not Just a Cameo

Fans who were excited to see Johnny Depp is just a little 21 JUMP STREET cameo, get ready, because you're in store for a lot more!

Fans who were excited to see Johnny Depp is just a little 21 JUMP STREET cameo, get ready, because you’re in store for a lot more!

According to Today, Jack Johnson, who plays the principal in the movie, says that the rumored cameo ain’t so small…

“It’s more than just a moment.”

In fact, Johnson says that originally, he wanted Depp’s role!

“It’s a really fun part and I went to my agent afterwards and I was like, ‘Hey man, I killed it!’…I was like…I think I’ve got a really good shot. And he goes, ‘For which character?’ and I said the character and he goes, ‘Yeah, you know, that’s Johnny Depp’s part if he wants it.'”

From my own experience, if an actor is excited for a part and was fighting for it, that usually means it’s something big…

Amusingly enough, Depp told Entertainment Weekly that his character may be a little…unique:

“It might be difficult to spot me in this one right off the bat. I’ll be a little…different.”

Interesting…so different, yet probably a big part…I’m intrigued…

The new 21 JUMP STREET stars Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill.

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