VIDEO: As We Near Lance Armstrong’s Oprah ‘Confession,’ A Montage Of Lance Armstrong’s Denials

As we near the airing of Lance Armstrong's sit down interview with Oprah Winfrey, there is much speculation about just how much said, and how apologetic he was. But there's little doubt about his attitude and defensiveness in this video compilation of his vehement denials over the years.

As we near the airing of Lance Armstrong’s sit down interview with Oprah Winfrey, there is much speculation about just how much said, and how apologetic he was. But there’s little doubt about his attitude and defensiveness in this video compilation of his vehement denials over the years.

Oprah Winfrey tells Reuters that Armstrong confessed to her that he used performance-enhancing drugs during his string of Tour de France victories, but in fact did ‘not come clean in the manner’ she expected.

She even implied that it will be largely up to the viewer to decide if Armstrong was contrite.

Following the interview, which taped in Austin, Texas on Monday, January 14, Winfrey tweeted: “Just wrapped with @lancearmstrong More than 2 1/2 hours. He came READY!”
The interview airs Thursday night at 9pm ET/PT.

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