WATCH: News Crew Can’t Stop Laughing After Ryan Lochte Interview

A Philadelphia news team breaks into hysterical laughter after a painfully slow, awkwardly dim interview with Olympic Swimmer turned reality TV star Ryan Lochte.

FOX 29 Ryan LochteA Philadelphia news team breaks into hysterical laughter after a painfully slow, awkwardly dim interview with Olympic Swimmer turned reality TV star Ryan Lochte. His new show “What Would Lochte Do?” is soon to debut on E! It could be an enormous success or colossal flop – but you can be sure Lochte will be talked about.

So after you watch the video, you be the judge – cruel to laugh or justifiable hilarity?

What Would Ryan Lochte Do?” Premieres this Sunday at 10/9c on E!

For more viral videos, follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter!

Watch the promo for Lochte’s show. (It’s pretty much what you would expect.)

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  • This guy was also caught on camera openly mocking the Kardashian sisters (understandably so) after an interview with them last year-ish. Always funny to watch, but are they not aware that the cameras are still on them or do they not care about being professionals? Hmm…

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