Well Hold Me In Contempt, Judge Judy’s New Hairstyle Is Adorable!

For over twenty years, Judge Judy has dominated daytime television and we’ve come to expect certain things from our honorable judge. Her no-nonsense attitude. Her sharp tongue. And maybe without even realizing it, her short and sassy hair-do. Could you imagine the judge without her signature, spunky haircut?! For nearly as long as Judge Judy Sheindlin has been on tv, she’s rocked her iconic short do, but that has finally changed! Check out our favorite judge’s new look!

The verdict is in and…I think she looks adorable! For the second half of the 23rd season of her court show, Judge Judy is rocking a lightened low ponytail that really lets us see more of that amazing bone structure. You can really notice the difference when you see the before and after!

Many are saying the new do is akin to that of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Uhm, anyone else want to see both of these judges hang out together at the salon?!

What do you think? Are you a fan of the change or are some things better left alone? Share with your friends to see what they think!

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