POP Video

Viral. Funny. Bizarro.

CRAYZAY VIDEO: Korean Group Performs. Just Watch It. I Can’t Really Explain It.

Here's what I know: Not much. Although some sites have been calling this a Japanese pop group, I'm told it is a Korean group, which may or not be a comedy troupe -and they are doing a parody of a popular song, called "Gee." It is definitely funny. And strange. I can't really enlighten you with any additional information. I just ask that you trust me and take a moment to soak it all in.

Anne Hathaway Raps At The Paparazzi. And It’s Good!

Usually, when anyone other than a rap star says they're going to rap, you have to squint your eyes and grit your teeth through the experience as the awfulness unfolds. This was what I feared would happen when Anne Hathaway told Conan O'Brien she had written a rap song in response to the paparazzi. Then she got to it. Wow!