Wild Wild Web

FUNNY MOMENT CAUGHT ON TAPE: Imagine Parallel Parking Under These Conditions!

Parallel parking can be a challenge - but try having throngs of drunken revellers cheering and heckling you on! When Germany beat Argentina at the World Cup in 2010, celebrating crowds in Münster couldn't help but get entrenched in the drama of this woman trying to park her car. Watch, laugh, and be grateful this wasn't you.

FUNNY VIDEO MONTAGE: Posing For A Photo Not Knowing It’s Actually Video

We've all had it happen - posed for a 'photo' only to realize later that the camera was set to VIDEO. Awkward, especially when we go back and see us standing still and smiling like a dork for four seconds. Well, some genius has compiled tons of those awkward moments of people standing still in dorky poses - and it's surprisingly hilarious.

FUNNY VIDEO: Guy Parodies Jersey Tanning Mom

Funny guy Greg Scarnici has posted a video recreating the now infamous "tanning mom" Patricia Krentcil... as though she is doing a video diary that precedes the day she got busted for allegedly taking her five year old daughter tanning. As if his mustache didn't make it funny enough, 'she' describes how she is getting her 'base' tan for the Jersey Shore.

POP FLASHBACK: Sally Struthers’ Hysterical Fitness Walking Exercise Video

Sometime in the late eighties, when exercise videos were THE celebrity product, Sally Struthers did a special hour on Fitness Walking. (Because what is more motivating than sitting down and watching people walk slightly faster than they normally do!?) This retro clip is hysterical, from the short shorts (on the men!) to the big hair.