Stephen Colbert took a break from jokes and satire on his Comedy Central show 'The Colbert Report" to honor his late mother Lorna, who recently died at the age of 92. The show had taken a break for him to mourn the loss, and this was his first show since coming back. It's that much more touching to see someone who is usually so 'on' and wisecracking suddenly be so genuinely loving and sincere.
As if we needed more examples of Will Ferrell being awesome! The hilarious actor was giving an interview when a phone started vibrating at the table, and the name popped up "MOM." That was all Will Ferrell needed to make himself the coolest guy in the room.
The sweet (albeit one-sided) conversation has gone viral.
A young guy who also happens to be a video blogger caught his mom sleep walking... well, also sleep-dancing, and talking about tomatoes while in a drowsy stupor. The next day he showed her the video, and videotaped her response. She's mortified, and an incredibly good sport, since both of them are laughing through the embarassing horror of it all.
As the story of Patricia Krentcil (the mom who allegedly took her five year old tanning) becomes a tv and web phenomenon, here's a look at five things that she could easily camouflage with or portray on television and or silver screen.
Krentcil, a New Jersey mom facing child endangerment charges, denies putting her five year old in a tanning bed at a local tanning salon. It's impossible to watch this video and not be biased by her face, which has been tanned into oblivion.
Wait for it... wait for it... At just fifteen minutes old, this little baby has already had enough with the videotaping. Funniest 12 seconds of video I've seen all day.
Okay, perhaps I’m bored with entertainment news today – but this baby’s reaction to his mother blowing her nose is downright hysterical. He alternates...