Drunk Girl Offers Sage Advice During Hurricane Irene

This reporter at WJZ in Baltimore should have suspected that this interview might go south... after all, the woman walking by basically walked into the shot, and when he asked her "Tell me what you're doin'" - her response was "I'm gettin' drunk!" He continued the interview nonetheless, where she offered some sage advice for those facing the storm. (note implied sarcasm.)

This reporter at WJZ in Baltimore should have suspected that this interview might go south… after all, the woman walking by basically walked into the shot, and when he asked her “Tell me what you’re doin'” – her response was “I’m gettin’ drunk!” He continued the interview nonetheless, where she offered some sage advice for those facing the storm.

Unlike this woman, who was traveling to this area from a surrounding town to party, she insisted that for those who don’t have her active social, life, “You should stay inside if you have nothing else to do.”

And with that, she went on her way. I have to wonder if she has found this clip of herself making the rounds online yet. (Or if her parents, coworkers, or boss have.) Shine on, you crazy diamond!

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