The Huffington Post reports that Gwyneth Paltrow is primed for a series of regular appearances on GLEE. After two successful guest appearances on the...
We’ve all had a regrettable haircut. One where we mentally begin calculating how many weeks of embarassment we must endure before it becomes remotely...
Jodie Foster is out promoting her her third film as director, “Beaver” – which features Mel Gibson among its cast. And since any film’s publicity push comes with interviews,...
So after everything that got released yesterday, it’s being reported today that Vanessa Hudgens is extremely angry over all the naked pics that keep...
He’s taking over the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, maybe not….but it’s definitely a step in the right direction! Justin Bieber was in London yesterday, attending the...
There are many unwarranted sequels out there…could a sequel for THE FIGHTER possibly be one of them? In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Mark...
I know I should be inclined to talk smack about this scene… where Snooki joined World Wresting Entertainment for some RAW smackdown professional wrestling,...
After the horrible events of this weekend, Clint Eastwood’s HEREAFTER has been pulled from Japanese cinemas indefinitely. For anyone who hasn’t seen the film,...