In a beautifully animated new art video collaboration between Barney's New York and Disney, Minnie Mouse dreams of a high fashion adventure. But the cartoon is likely to raise eyebrows for it's montage of the Disney characters showing off extremely skinny 'model' looks.
This is the best bowtie tutorial video ever, not just because it shows you how, but because it's brilliantly done, with animation and great character. You'll totally use this someday! Unless you don't wear bowties, then you won't.
Madonna and daughter Lola just posted a video to discuss their nationwide casting call for the next "Material Girl" model. And while they're clearly mocking their mom/daughter relationship, you get the real sense that Lola has the part of ignoring her mother's rants down pat.
Glenn Beck has his own line of jeans. He reportedly has personally been managing "all of the details of the look of the jeans," which is good, because I've been aspiring to achieve the sculpted look of his high waisted backside for years.
What if you could buy a handcrafted piece of art, knowing that it would actually benefit the person that made it? Many big businesses simply copy and mass produce the centuries-old craftmanship found in the art of distant cultures. But when a designer travelled to South Africa to meet the women handcrafting home accessories with barely a profit, she decided to do something.
Some sadistic (but clever) person compiled a video collection of models falling down while walking the runway. We are simultaneusly amused and outraged about the shoes these designers are making, which are clearly the culprit.
In just two days, the talented group of singers and dancers from the Broadway hit Anything Goes gained worldwide recognition ... for lip synching! Their video of the cast performing One Direction's "What Makes You Beautiful" has gained the show tens of thousands of hits. Here's how they did it - and what happened behind the scenes.
Did you hear about the photo some guy found that looks like an old-tymey version of Nic Cage? Of course, this means he's a vampire, right? Surviving generation after generation! Finally Cage responds to the allegations and the striking similarity on Letterman.
The models in H&M's new holiday lingerie campaign have strangely identical midsections. Why? Because they are. The company is photographing mannequins and slapping on different heads. They then use a computer to vary the skin tone, even add birthmarks or freckles.
14 year old Hailee Steinfeld grabbed worldwide attention when she gave a winning performance in the remake of True Grit. And not surprisingly, sponsorship opportunities were born. So why does this ad have Brits so up in arms that it's banned in the U.K.? Here's the reason...
We love talking about spectacular people with amazing talents - and Betsey Johnson ranks high on both lists! POP goes The Week was asked to talk about this fashion icon for - here's the video!
Somewhere in the world of J.C. Penney, a buyer is having a really lousy day... And they should be. Their decision to offer shirts for girls that read: "I'm too pretty to do homework so my brother has to do it for me" wasn't received so well by the American public.
Abercrombie & Fitch Co. is concerned that having Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino seen in its clothing could cause "significant damage" to the company's image...So they're offering him money to stop.
We're continuing our new recurring feature of favorite things, guilty pleasures, style picks and overall obsessions from all sorts of people. Today's SIX THINGS I'M LOVING is from yours truly.
We here at POPgoesTheWeek aren't just interested in Lindsay Lohan's latest blood alchohol reading or looking at videos of dogs playing tetherball (although we enjoy that too). We also fancy ourselves as 'on-trend' or at least trend-aware.
So as part of our "Four Summer Faves" series let's hear four of Trend Tracker Cathering Moellering's favorite summer items... from a simple scarf to the best salt for your margarita!
If there’s anything we’ve learned from more than 20 seasons of America’s Funniest Home Videos, it’s that whether we are willing to admit it or...
Jezebel discovered these. Heaven help us if they catch on. They’re called JUNDERPANTS. When jeans, leggings, jeggings, and underpants come together, this is what...
American Idol judge Jennifer Lopez has been named the “World’s Most Beautiful Woman” according to People magazine. The singer and actress tells the mag describes...