Despite her denials, Dina Lohan seems to be sedated, drunk, or both during her interview with Dr. Phil today. Here are the high... or rather, low-lights.
The internet teaches us many things - Today, we learn that it's apparently adorable to feed cute, naive creatures lemon wedges, then videotape it for the world's amusement. I won't lie - it's pretty darned funny. Watch the videos!
In 1981 Jimmy Stewart read an adorable, funny poem about his dog on The Tonight Show. It's simply beautiful. Reading a four minute poem on TV would never happen happen today. Maybe it should.
I won't lie: by the end, I was a mess.
Alison Pill is the newest celebrity to see a nude picture of herself hit the internet. But this time, it wasn't because of any hacker was just because Ms. Pill is apparently not very good with technology...
A young guy who also happens to be a video blogger caught his mom sleep walking... well, also sleep-dancing, and talking about tomatoes while in a drowsy stupor. The next day he showed her the video, and videotaped her response. She's mortified, and an incredibly good sport, since both of them are laughing through the embarassing horror of it all.
I'm not being cute here... they're really doing it! In keeping with my obsession with different animal species getting along (if only humans could do the same) here is a Labrador retriever and a carp who share some open mouth kisses, then swim around together.
Move over American Girl doll, you think you're a modern gal with your hair salon and coordinated outfits? You obviously haven't met this doll from Korea. "Kongsunyi" passes gass and has a disturbingly detailed pooping and flushing feature. And oddly - she still manages to be adorable.
TWILIGHT may not have given us much when it comes to cinematic genius, but it has definitely given us everything and more when it comes to hysterical parodies and jokes.
Watch, smile, and go 'Awww' as two young baby girls delight in their dad's guitar music. Their little heads bobbing back and forth in unison is enough to melt your heart, if their smiles don't melt it first.
Today's VIDEO WE CAN’T EXPLAIN features a bird that is pretty brilliant. Watch as it sneakily tricks a fish into enjoying some bread, slowly, taking it away, and repeating - until - BAM! The bird gets the last bite... of the fish.
Stunt work. It's something we as an audience usually take for granted in the world of film. With every fight, jump and crash that you see on screen, there is yet another stuntman doing an amazing job while risking his life in the process.
I didn't expect to laugh that much. But when I heard this guy's virtually euphoric reaction to capturing this old train on video, I could barely contain myself. I wish I was this excited about ANYTHING!
Check out the glamorous life of Chip Bell, John Brooks and Joey Gadauchlin, who, back in theday, would “perform over 200 times a year at schools, professional events, and rock concerts” with their truly awesome (and slightly hysterical) frisbee dancing and gymnastics. The tracksuits and high waisted short-shorts are KILLER. Enjoy your day and laugh with this one!
Remember the science show "Mr. Wizard's World"? Apparently its host, Don “Mr. Wizard” Herbert was more condescending and insulting that you may recall. No worry! A super-cutter has cut out all the work and edited together this mashup of his most rude moments.