Why Did Jessica Simpson Tweet This Photo?

Okay, in truth we may never know why Jessica Simpson tweeted this photo - presumably of herself sitting barefoot on a toilet. But here's what happened, and what people are saying... and yes, people are saying stuff about it!

Okay, in truth we may never know why Jessica Simpson tweeted this photo – presumably of herself sitting barefoot on a toilet. But here’s what happened, and what people are saying… and yes, people are saying stuff about it!

“Short girl problems,” read the tweet caption. Okay, that’s good to know. (I’m guessing this is a reflection of the very short list of problems she has to lament over in between counting her money and thinking about counting her money.

The rest, of course is speculation. If these are her feet, then who took the picture? And why?

Us Weekly reported that the shot was taken while she was using the ladies room at Bergdorf Goodman department store in New York City. I do not know the basis for their reporting. Nor do I want to know how they obtained the ‘inside scoop’ of her bathroom behavior. Puns intended. I guess.

In any case, now you know what Simpson, or some unfortunate short girl whose plight Simpson is chronicling, is going through.

As you were.

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1 Comment

  • “Inside scoop” I like that pun. This is Jessica’s way of wanting people to think she’s not full of the obvious.

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