The Oscar Winning Animated short was Disney’s “Paperman.” It is gorgeous. You need to watch it. For more entertainment news, follow @BrianBalthazar on twitter!
Cats are fearless! The bigger question is why is this moment being narrated by newscasters on live television? For more viral craziness, follow @BrianBalthazar...
The Nebraska Men's Gymnastics team recently uploaded their own Harlem Shake video. With this many abs in one place, it should come as no surprise that it's already gone viral - about 200,000 hits in four days.
It's almost laughable to call a show a ratings loser when it wins its timeslot. But analysts can't help but notice the big drop in the ratings of the once unstoppable American Idol. Is the show simply running its course, is the genre too diluted, or could the emphasis on the judges be to blame?
Every year, I am fascinated by the gift bags Oscar nominees get. But truthfully, it's so much stuff that a gift bag doesn't really hold it all. Check out some of the crazy cool stuff that the losers, er, I mean 'non-winners' will receive. All added up, it comes to about $45,000 in swag.
Lady Gaga has emerged from surgery to repair an injured hip. Despite having to cancel the rest of her tour, the 26 year old is blogging about the procedure, and calling the whole thing "just a bump in the road."
British POP Sensation One Direction decided to shoot their own music video for their new single "One Way Or Another," which they recorded for Comic Relief, a non profit charitable organization helping people in Africa. By shooting the video themselves, even more money will go to the charity. It's catchy - And proves you don't need to spend a million on a video.
It's one thing to be gay... it's another thing to be a gay mormon, says Jimmy. In what is quickly becoming a viral post, the young man explains what it is like, and records the reactions from his friends and family.
Ever wonder how much of the set of The Avengers movie was real? The answer is, NOT MUCH! If you saw the Avengers movie, or even if you didn't, you have to see this. The amount and quality of the CGI special effects are amazing.
It would be far too simple to say that Jack Gray is a producer on Anderson Cooper's AC 360. He's also a hilarious author who has gotten drunk with Kathy Griffin, driven a disheveled Joan Kennedy home from jury selection, and dared to look New York City in the eye and take it by storm. His new book, 'Pigeon In A Crosswalk' is out now. I asked him about it and he took not a single one of my questions seriously.
The new Water Jet pack Rocky Mountain Fly Board is probably hard to use - but just LOOK at it in action! If you're freezing today, this video of folks enjoying this cool new toy in Oahu, Hawaii might give you something to look forward to!
More people are talking about Burger King that usual today - after a hacker changed the twitter name to McDonalds, joked about employees doing drugs, and posted links to a hip-hop group. Read the bizarre tweets here.
So fun and heartwarming!! After meeting a fun loving woman in her studio audience, Ellen later learned she was helping take care of her elderly father and supporting her son who was out of work. Watch this hilarious, spark plug of a woman get the surprise of her life!
Watch Carey Reilly's funny new web show, where she lives a day in the life of sexy people! What she does in a yoga class will leave you speechless, and perhaps mortified, but definitely laughing.
Watch Leonard Cooper bet everything he has on a Daily Double, then get the final jeopardy question wrong with a hilarious answer - but STILL come out on top! This kid just redefined how its done. Keepin' it real!
We don't get too political around here, but the moments leading up to Senator Marco Rubio taking a quick drink of water during the Republican Rebuttal was just WEIRD.
This moment of the Grammys says it all. When Chris Brown's nemesis Frank Ocean won the Grammy, everyone stood, except for Brown. Turns out Chris Brown, ironically, doesn't like being beaten.
This picture basically says everything. Credit to both of them for having a sense of humor! I guess that email CBS sent about outfits was interpreted loosely.