
Movie Studios Love Turning Their Backs On You, And Other Hollywood Movie Poster Cliches.

Proving once again that moviemakers love a cliche, check out this collection of movie posters ... notice a familiar theme? This is just one of the brilliantly assembled collages put together by a blogger who is seemingly obsessed with Hollywood's own obsession with repeating the same marketing tools over and over and over...

Movie Review: A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas

Mike Finkelstein was in the holiday spirit and wanted to visit some old friends. He was also in the mood for White Castle. He figured he’d put both together, and go see a little ridiculous movie about those guys who had the munchies so many years ago. (Who knew Santa delivered joints?!) Here is his review of “A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas.”

VIDEO: Muppets Parody Paranormal Activity, Puss In Boots, Happy Feet and Twilight!

I'm may be more eager about the upcoming Muppet Movie than a grown man should be. But how can you not be amused by their preview trailers!? This one has them mocking their competition - creating parodies of Paranormal Activity 3, Puss in Boots, Happy Feet 2, and my personal favourite, the next Twilight movie. VIDEO: