Colin Quinn’s Comedic Jabs At Will Ferrell Turn Into A Series Of Bizarre Tweet Rants

It was the war that wasn't (or was it?) - a series of jabs against Will Ferrell, unleashed by fellow SNL alum Colin Quinn on Twitter went viral. Before you know it, the Hollywood Reporter was reporting the swipes, and people started wondering if maybe Quinn was seriously jealous. Then Quinn went into strange stream of rants about his career.

It was the war that wasn’t (or was it?) – a series of jabs against Will Ferrell, unleashed by fellow SNL alum Colin Quinn on Twitter went viral. Before you know it, the Hollywood Reporter was reporting the swipes, and people started wondering if maybe Quinn was seriously jealous. Then Quinn went into strange stream of rants about his career.

Ferrell has been receiving accolades from members of the comedy community (many of them deliberately fond, but some deliberately tongue-in-cheek in a funny way) since receiving the Mark Twain Prize for comedy. So it stands to reason that some comics might be misinterpreted as sincere when making smart-ass remarks. But while many comics made video tributes, Quinn’s statements on twitter must have been left to interpretation, because fans and even the media took notice in a not-so-positive way.

On Tuesday Quinn started his twitter stream of snark in a series of tweets:

Anybody see Will Ferrell at Mark Twain awards last night? Great for him I guess … No,I’m happy for Will….we never really got along at SNL because he took so many of my ideas, but…

He went on: 

Will was into a lot of bad drug stuff and I don’t know if he still is. Actually, not true I happen to know he still is very much so.

Yikes. Is this a joke?

We can all learn something. Heh, heh. And as far as who came up with anchorman or ran SNL, who cares anymore?

Twitter followers jumped on the comments, ridiculing him for sour grapes. When folks accused him of jealousy for Ferrell’s successes, Quinn started backtracking, but still unable to resist a few more jabs.

 Tweeted Quinn:
Feel bad about the Will Ferrell comments. I’ll never mention him again if he pays me my residuals for the WHOLE ANCHORMAN CONCEPT!
Then he tweets again.
If success is measured in awards and that jazz, I guess it’s true, I’m not where I want to be. ( still hoping lol ) but it is what it is.
More twitter followers attack…. telling him he sounds sad and pathetic. Five hours pass. He tweets some more.
To all media etc.. Will Ferrell was not on drugs at snl! I never even saw him smoke a joint! Is this what it’s come to???
He apparently sleeps on it. 13 hours pass. He tweets some more.
I learned a good lesson yesterday. When it comes to being funny, stick to the literal. That’s the way to go.
Sometimes you get lost and you think irony and sarcasm are funny.
He pauses. Tweets some more. Again back to the Anchorman concept:
Sometimes, heh heh, I guess we can all learn something. Heh, heh. And as far as who came up with anchorman or ran SNL, who cares anymore?
He’s not done:
I used to walk around the office saying keep it classy, San Pedro. That was my whole thing!
Then I had weights in my office just like he did. Only mines were 30 pounders and we used to joke like hey, I just did a hundred curls.
Just heard from Will. He just drove up to my place on a ducati streetfighter S and apologized. It’s all good.
Now he seems to be going crazy with the tweeting. Stop! Stop!
Actually truthfully yesterday was just a publicity stunt to see if I could get nominated for some awards myself. I’m not ashamed to say it.
Yesterday was a publicity maneuver so I can raise my profile and possibly get some sitcom work. And I think it’s going to pay off!
If I can get a couple of guest parts on some of the popular shows that are out there, I feel that could raise my “profile” in the industry.
I hate to use Will Ferrell’s name but he would probably do the same thing if our roles were reversed so I don’t even feel bad about it.

There’s more tweets:

I could’ve been on the Office. I would’ve been the new guy that replaces Michael. And I’m like him only more so. LOL.

I show up with a red polo shirt instead of white shirt and tie.

 He tweets more…

 I could be on two and half men. The repairman that’s always over and he worships Ashton getting all the girls. “how does he do it?”

my God. stop! If this works I’m going to totally start doing this.

On the Office I’m the new boss and I invite the other guys in my office and we sing Afternoon Delight.

 If I could go on how I met your mother, I’d be the bartender that tells stupid stories. They all roll their eyes at me. Running joke.

And he goes on about a sitcom idea he has. And now we wait. Is it over? Will the rant pay off? Quinn has friends in high places. Jerry Seinfeld is a close friend. He’s tight within the comedy community. Twitter streams have become books and sitcoms before. Maybe Quinn is onto something. Or maybe he needs to step away from the laptop.

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  • This whole blog post is horrible. Colin Quinn, constantly tweets sarcastically like that….it’s his thing. You taking him literally…. that’s what is sad.

    • I mention in the post itself that it’s questionable whether he was serious, and note that the Hollywood Reporter actually portrayed the tweets as completely real. You’re entitled to your opinion. It’s all good.

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