These Two Pics Are All The Reasons You Need To Follow The Rock On Twitter.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is cool. His twitter pics pretty much speak for themselves.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is cool. His twitter pics pretty much speak for themselves. The actor, currently starring in the film Pain and Gain,  is recovering from emergency hernia surgery, and tweeted this photo of himself in the hospital bed, tweeting, “Surgery a success.Superman is on the mend.”

On Sunday, he tweeted: “Saw my Dr who had to push my intestines back thru the tear in my abdomen. Kinda romantic.” Yowza.

TheRock Tweets

His new film, Pain & Gain is all about being huge (and murder, but I digress). He clearly works on it… but isn’t afraid to break his diet once in a while. His ‘cheat’ days – when he breaks his diet rules, are famously epic. Last week he tweeted a photo of what he eats in those notorious moments. Yeesh!

It’s been a rough go for Johnson lately – earlier this month he suffered a torn abdomen and abductor muscles during a wrestling match against John Cena.

Follow him on twitter!

Oh yeah, and follow me on twitter too! Please?

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