Remember 2010? The tv show Lost ended, and confused pretty much everyone. Inception tore friendships apart as fans tried to figure out what was up with...
Friday loves the water. He also loves birds of all kinds. Here he is checking some out before returning to shore. Why the leash? Because Friday cannot be trusted.
The runaway train of notoriety achieved by anything Rebecca Black touches is continuing. Kohl's did a remix of the song to promote their upcoming black Friday sale. The woman taking the lead gives it a funny approach... and I appreciate the "something that rhymes with Friday" line.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not out to ruin aspiring pop star Rebecca Black's day. But her new single is unsurprisingly awful, and not in a funny, viral way. Then there's the video. Why do producers mistakenly believe we want our music videos to feature young people having fun in go-karts? Did we learn nothing from Avril Lavigne?
For those of you among the tens of millions of people who have seen Rebecca Black's video "Friday" - you may remember the young girl dancing in the convertible (some say awkwardly) with Rebecca. Well now her braces are off, some hair extensions are in (I assume), and she's got her OWN music video. Yep, she does.
I should say upfront that I have done a total turnaround on Rebecca Black. I used to roll my eyes. Now, I applaud her for sticking to her guns, rolling with the many punches she's being thrown (via internet haters) and just going for it. As you watch this performance, let's consider Rebecca Black our little sister who just happens to be getting worldwide attention - and give her some love.
Rebecca Black - who, like it or not (there are plenty of both) burst on the scene with her song/video "Friday," 'dropped' her new single and video today. It's called "My Moment."
Black is 14 years old, so be nice.
Rebecca Black, whose catchy-in-spite-of-itself song "Friday" became a viral sensation, is about to bring more music to the masses. A release date for her new single has been announced. Producers and songwriters with credibility were involved this time.
Yesterday, it was a Bieber misunderstanding. Today, it’s a Miley Cyrus incident. There’s just something about these overzealous pint-sized fans! New video is making...
Katy Perry did her own torch-song version of Rebecca Black’s iconic (oh yeah, I said ‘iconic”) song “Friday” while at a concert in Melbourne. I...
Rebecca Black, the teen phenom whose “Friday” video - oh, you know who I mean – wasn’t a favorite of mine… but her deadpan (tongue in...
Sure, some might say that listening to her ‘single’ Friday is like listening to fingernails on a chalkboard while drinking thumbtacks. But Rebecca Black, once...
Forget Charlie Sheen, forget all gossip, forget everything you thought you knew…Because now, there is something else taking over the world: Rebecca Black’s “Friday”...