Ryan Reynolds has turned the sarcastic, sometimes cruel, anti-hero Deadpool into one of the most beloved characters amongst any superhero film. His passion towards...
'24' fans rejoice! Fox is reportedly close to making a deal that would bring back the action packed drama as a limited series. The announcement is expected on Monday.
Clemenza Caserta took on the infamously hot tempered Gordon Ramsey on Hell's Kitchen. This year, the gentleman who says he learned his love of food from his family is hard at work traveling and working as executive chef at Stuzzi in Richmond, Virginia.
You hire enough divas, you'll eventually get diva behavior.
TMZ got video of American Idol judge Nicki Minaj going ballistic as Mariah Carey, Keith Urban, and Randy Jackson looked on. Carey was apparently the subject of some of the rant.
Even though Lindsay Lohan was once upset that Gwyneth Paltrow's character made fun of her on GLEE, apparently all is forgiven: Lohan will be making a guest appearance on the series.
Simon Cowell reportedly has offered Britney Spears $10 million dollars (!) to become a judge on the second season of The X Factor. Memo to Britney: DO THIS!!
Sorry, “House†fans: it has been officially announced that your favorite emotionally-challenged Doc is leaving the air at the end of this season.
At the auditions for American Idol in San Diego, the judges panel got a dose of star power, family style. Jane Carrey, daughter of actor Jim Carrey turned out to audition, singing Bonnie Raitt's "Something to Talk About." Then Jennifer Lopez had a flashback from her past.
We've seen lots of trainwrecks, grandstanding and unusual song choices during the auditions on American Idol before. So will this guy's performance of the Family Matters theme be any good - and will it get him through? You might be surprised.
There is an entire generation of people who have never known a world without the Simpsons. Now, it looks like the animated series, which is in its 23rd season, has a better chance of surviving the salary dispute and could allow it to reach a 24th... if everyone survives the war of negotiations expected to take place among the major players today.
FOX has given us a sneak peek of X Factor, and despite what the first 1:30 of this promo would lead you to believe... it's going to be a Simon-snarkfest!